Palmistry Ball

Palmistry Ball is a maze palm reader that lives in your hand through projection mapping. In every level you will need to roll the ball into the white finger. Only one finger will be white every turn, while the others will control your four main hand lines: “heart”, “head”, “life”, and “fate”. These lines will act as walls in your quest to take the ball to the white finger. Succeed in taking it and proceed to the next level of your Palmistry reading. You need to be careful with your hand movements. If the ball falls off your hand, you will have to re start that level.


After the show I also did a second way of visualizing the game by removing the hand and just showing the white finger, the ball and the lines. After play-testing both types of visualization i learned that both are very interesting to play with and create a different experience.


I got inspired to do this project by Golan. He initially pitched me the idea of doing a game on the hand. After seen how cool projection mapping in the hand looked, I designed 3 different games and chose the best suitable for the project.  I learned a lot about mapping. I have always wanted to do something with projection mapping but never had the chance. This project was perfect to get my hands into mapping and I realize how fun and the amount of possibilities it has in entertainment.

Watch Me Grow – PAEYC’s Hackathon

PAEYC’s Hackathon


What an experience! Starting by mixing with teachers and programmers to make teachers dream apps come true in 48 hours was amazing! I knew there were many unsolved problems in the educational environment that would make a teacher’s day more pleasant; but after listening to all this teachers pitch their ideas I realized the problem was bigger than what I thought. They struggle with day to day activities that only a teacher would understand. Many problems I didn’t know could be problems are impacting kids’ education every da

y. This made me very happy to be part of this hackathon. I knew after the 48 hours I would not only learn a lot and have a lot of fun, but help someone solve some headaches.

During the hackathon, a group of two developers and me were able to make a cross platform app in Unity to help a teacher keep track of its kid’s level of learning. The app was made for 3-5 years old kids that were learning to identify the alphabet, numbers, colors, and emotions.

It had two main features: Teacher side and kid’s side.


  • Add kids to the list and select their level for each of the fields of study
  • See the status of each kid
  • Adjust the kids level in each field of study depending how they are doing


  • Select one of the fields of study and play a learning game
  • Will record the right and wrong answers for the teachers information

The Beginning of a New Game

After playing the amazing and fun game Joust  , I realize that my next game had to be similar to this great game. When I say similar I don’t mean copy Joust; but in braise the good things of it to make something better.

I got together with some friends from school and we decided to jump in the quest of making a game inspired by Joust. As a developer my first thought was how are we going to connect more than 4 PS Moves to the PlayStation? For the game we have in mind we need minimum 6!!!!!


After some research I found this incredible Open Source Project that you have to check out: UNIMOVE. It is a Unity plugging that sets C# bindings that allow you to connect up to 7 PS Moves to your computer. It works on Mac, Linux and Windows too.

Check it out at:

Joust  Game: